Welcome to our chairs! Here’s a few things to keep in mind when you book an appointment to come into the studio.

If it's your first time at Blush please fill out our New Client Form through our website.
When you come in please use the Hand Sanitizer provided at the front.
We’ve got some great local coffee shops right around us so we encourage you to plan ahead and pick up a treat on your way over but our Coffee Bar is available for Coffee, Tea and Water during your appointments.
We continue to follow the recommended guidelines from Public Health in regards to Covid - 19. As of March 1, 2022 masking will be optional for both staff and clients. We absolutely encourage you to do what suits you best in the situation and masking is always welcome. If you'd like your service provider to also be masked during your service please let us know beforehand or at the door. We're happy to accommodate your request.
Cleaning and Disinfecting of our space and our tools takes place between each client and we strive to maintain a safe and clean environment.
We can accept all forms of cards or e-transfer.
Please give us 24hrs notice minimum if you need to reschedule your appointment. We ask that you do not come if you are feeling unwell in any way or are currently meant to be self isolating. Please note our cancellation policy for more info.